SymmetriKit Tiltrite Chair


Sitting properly takes effort to maintain a balanced position. If you are incapable of supporting yourself, you may need a little bit of functional support or a more complex solution.

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AVAILABILITY - Stock not held in every state. Please confirm availability with your local sales team.

Sitting properly takes effort to maintain a balanced position. If you are incapable of supporting yourself, you may need a little bit of functional support or a more complex solution. The modularity of the Symmetrikit Chair can help you by providing the amount of support that is just right for you. The range of height, width and depth adjustments available on the components, means the chair can be completely personalised.

The fingerform back option involves individual “fingers” which can be adjusted up, down, in, out, set to one side or even to pivot allowing you to follow the spine and subsequently support the whole body. The versatility of this chair extends beyond just great support for relaxed sitting or lying. 

The Symmetrikit chair can be quickly repositioned to a more upright position for mealtimes, tilted head down for postural drainage and even used “back to front” as a wedge for prone stretching.

Specifications provided apply to the Medium size chair: 31.5cm - 52cm
Armrest Height: 16cm - 22cm
Seat Height: 58cm
Leg Length (with footrest): 140kg
Regulatory Compliance: 1 year

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